I Got Rejected

I Got Rejected

In the summer of 2017, I was on fire.  🔥 I was teaching the Applied Yoga Integration seminar across the US and international offers were starting to come in.  Word was spreading and within a year I’d be teaching in the Netherlands, Taiwan, Japan and Thailand. I...
Quadratus Lumborum aka the QL

Quadratus Lumborum aka the QL

The quadratus lumborum, commonly referred to as the QL, is a muscle of the back that is commonly involved in lower back pain. It originates on the iliac crest and the attaches to the 5 lumbar vertebrae as well as the 12th rib. As you can see in the picture on the...
I Finally Failed

I Finally Failed

So this thing happened… On December 4th of 2020, the 7 year battle I had to save my knee ended. I got a knee replacement. I was 42. 7 knee surgeries, the last 4 all attempts to fix what the surgeon for the 3rd one botched.   They all failed.  My knee was beyond...
Simple Meditation Instructions

Simple Meditation Instructions

I had a funny memory the other day… It was 2004 and I was on a meditation retreat in North Fork, California.  It was a 10-day retreat in the Goenka tradition and it was probably my 4th time there. The hall is organized so the most experienced students sit in the...